Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Uh Oh SpaghettiOs!"

This is why I'm an avid reader of Dlisted.Com - because Michael K reports on the breaking news that others don't (or won't).  For instance, I lost a piece of my childhood when Donald Goerke (above), the inventor of SpaghettiOs, died on Sunday.  Did CNN cover this story?  I dont think so... but Dlisted DID.

Personally, my favorite "flavor" of SpaghettiO's was the kind with Sliced Franks.  Although I wasn't smart enough as a child to think of making cute faces with them...

I was always too busy stuffing my chubby cheeks to bother making art with my food.

RIP, Mr. SpaghettiOs Inventor...


Anonymous said...

Those were my favorites too!! I haven't had them in a long time. I should get a can this weekend and see if they are just as good!

Anonymous said...

I likes the meatball Spaghettios. Always have had a preference for meatballs over franks. Yeah, I totally went there.

Joy said...

I can't look at some of those faces without thinking about Mr. Bill. Ooooooo Nooooo!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

OMG- I fuckin' LIVED on Spaghettio's when I was a kid! I ate them for lunch alomst every day in the summer! And if Momma cooked something GROSS for dinner (like liver!) she would always let ME eat a can of Spaghettios, even though my brothers all had to gag down nasty liver or go hungry! I was ALWAYS Momma G's favorite!

Beth said...

I still sometimes get a craving for these things. I load it up with enough grated parmesan to make it almost pasty. LOL Disgusting...but SO delicious! XOXO

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