Friday, July 16, 2010

Straight Divorce Ban May Make It To CA Ballot

Rescue Marriage ("Safeguarding Marriage From The Evils Of Divorce") is a tongue-in-cheek movement to ban opposite-marriage divorce in California - thus "protecting traditional marriage".  From Joe.My.God:
Rescue Marriage founder (and straight ally) John Marcotte said last year, "People who supported Prop 8 weren't trying to take rights away from gays, they just wanted to protect traditional marriage. That's why I'm confident that they will support this initiative, even though this time it will be their rights that are diminished. To not support it would be hypocritical."
California gave Rescue Marriage permission this week to start collecting the 694,000 signatures required to appear on a state-wide ballot.  Yes, it's sad that any old group who can gather enough signatures can get on the CA ballot, but how funny would it be if Rescue Marriage was successful?!?


the dogs' mother said...

Now that's thinking outside the box.

David Dust said...

I keep accidentally "rejecting" comments when I check them on my new phone (damn fat fingers!). Here is one that Mechadude2001 left...

WOW! Really, all I can say is wow! I've always said if marriage is such a spiritual thing, the govt shouldn't do it, rather churches and houses of worship should do it. And both parties should have to obey the will of whatever church they allowed to perform the ceremony. So if their church is against birth control, or doesn't allow divorce... then that is their lot in life if they choose to jump the broom with that religion/church.
Meanwhile, sane people could get civil unions through the govt, and have the same legal & tax rights as married through church folks.
So a small part of me likes the Divorce Ban... except I cringe to think of a battered woman stuck in a situation, or a cheating partner who won't stop because their is no legal recourse.

Distant Lover said...

I appreciate Mechadude's post. But I still support the divorce ban. A battered woman and those with cheating spouses still have a recourse. It's called a gun.

Mark in DE said...

It will be very interesting to see how this plays out.

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